Common Abbreviations

1) A.D. -     Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord)
2) AIDS  - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
3) AIIMS  -  All India Institute of Medical Sciences
4) AIR    - All India Radio
5) AMIE   -  Associate Member of Institute of Engineers
6) ASLV -  Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle 
7) ASSOCHAM -  Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
8)AU  -  Astronomical Units
9) AVSM -  Ati Vishist Seva Medal 10)BARC -  Bhabha Atomic Research Centre 
11)BCC - British Broadcasting Corporation 
12) B.C. -  Before Christ 
13)BCG -   Bacillus Calmette Guerim (Anti TB Vaccine) 
14)BHEL  - Bharat heavy Electricals Ltd.
15)BE  -   Bharat Electronics 
16)BP - Blood Pressure  
17)C/o  -  Care of 
18)CA - Chartered Accountant 
19)CADA -  Command Area Development Authority
 20)CAT -  Computerized Axial Tomography 
21)CBI  -  Central Bureau of Investigations 
22) CD -  Compact Disk
23) CID -  Criminal Investigation Department 
24)CSIR -  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 
25)D.Litt -  Doctor of Literature
26)D.Phil - Doctor of Philosophy
27)DMK -  Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam
28)ELISA - Enzyme Linked Immuno sorbent Assay
29)ESMA - Essential Service Maintenance Act
30)FIR - First Information Report
31)FM - Frequency Modulation
32)FRCS - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
33)GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
34)GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
35)GRE -Graduate Record Examination
36)HAL - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
37)HIV - Human Immuno deficiency Virus
38)HMV- His Master Voice
39)H.P. - Horse Power
40)IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency
41) IAS - Indian Administrative Services
42)ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research
43)IDBI -Industrial Development Bank of India
44)IGNOU -Indira Gandhi National Open University
45)ILO-  International Labour Organisation
46)INDIPEX - Indian International Philatelic Exhibition
47) INSAT -Indian National Satellite
48)INTERPOL -International Police
49)IPC -Indian Penal Code
50) IRDP -Integrated Rural Programme
