Mafia Of Mexico SO1 E-1

    July 9th,2018 

Before we start, 

About Riniep 

Riniep is an worldwide blogger site which first started by "RDR entertainment" and "YA studios" to give the world information and entertainment. Now it has become worldwide with only four members working for riniep. 

Genre: crime

Let's start ,

It's about afternoon the whole police station was confused about the Mobster who voluntary surrendered today at morning. What made their curiosity shot up was the inspector who was interrogating that mobster, inspector Anderson. Who is infamous for his uncontrollable anger. But he is also famous for killing many criminals. Everyone wanted to know what was happening inside the interrogation room. 

Inside the room Micheal was sitting in the chair handcuffed. Opposite to him was Anderson and two policemen one is Engel and other was Martin. From morning they been threatening Micheal to kill him if he didn't answered their question. Micheal answered few questions. Sometimes he laughed in a way which was hurting Anderson's ego.

Anderson asks"How did you become a Mobster" for that Micheal starts to speak. 

In 2018,

I Used to be a delivery boy at the supermarket. It's just a ordinary job but I was highly praised staff at the market because I used to deliver things before the Time limit. My boss was very fond of me he often gave me things which are sold at the supermarket for free. On.....-

"IF YOU LIE TO US MICHEAL, THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!" shouted Anderson. The two policemen were told to be with Anderson to stop him from doing something wrong. Micheal replied" Well if you keep shouting, I will lose the interest to answer your question" however Anderson shouted Micheal always answered (or) replied casually he was not afraid of Anderson. Enraged by hearing Micheal's reply, he reached for his gun holster but since guns were not allowed in the interrogation room he shouted and banged his table. 

"Aggggggggggggaaaaaarrrrrrrhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.  TELL THAT BLOODY STORY!!" Anderson replied. 

" On July 9th,  my girlfriend Stella texted me that she was coming tomorrow. She was coming from studying abroad. I wanted to spend the whole day with her. As so did I. After spending the whole day with her we both went to the supermarket to collect that month's salary. When we both walked in every staff started to see us strangely. We made 15 steps from the counter when my employer spotted us. He came to me shouting telling he lost lot of money because of me. He shouted at me in front of every customer and in front of every staff and in front of Stella. He fired me in front of everyone. I felt humiliated, ashamed, enraged. So I murdered him. That was my first murder. 

BANG!! Made the sound when Anderson hit the table with his fist."YOU ARE LYING!" one of the policemen tells him. " but our police reports tell us that your boss was killed by some gang." for that Micheal again laughed in the same way which injured Anderson ego very badly. " then your records are fake, seems like the police are corrupted too." Anderson is now eager to kill murder Micheal but he knows he cannot he somehow controls his anger. 

"Our reports are not fake you dirty criminal and we are not corrupt." says as he punches Micheal  in the face. If those records are wrong they have to investigate the case again and interrogate a bunch of people. Suddenly the Micheal who was calm upto now started yelling.

"I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THAT DAY! I was there at that day!. I was sitting at some random shop. I started to hear noises which ignored. But those noises were not seemed to be stopping. It came from the alley next to me. I just casually leaned over to see what was happening. I found a bunch of people were beating someone who resembled a little like my employer, well "Former- employer" when I looked carefully I confirmed it it was my employer! I picked up the metal rod which was beside me. Among the people a nicely dressed person which wore a very dark potential purple suit took out a gold plated pistol from his overcoat and pointed at my boss. I yelled at them "let him go! " everyone saw me with a perplexed look. That suited guy looked me and laughed at me because I was skinny arms and legs. He gave me two choices run away or try saving him. I can run away but I cannot leave my boss there. But I cannot beat them because they were so bulky and I am like a twig. So from the place where I stood I yelled them another option which I made myself " can I kill him?" he smiled at me he just wanted my boss dead it doesn't matter how he dies. I went near my boss with the metal rod in my hand my boss begged me to save him but I bashed him very brutally that his head looked like someone scoped a part of his head. That suit guy asked my name. I told him in return I asked his name. He told me his name. 

It was Joseph.

To be continued............. 

                                                  Story by


Written by 



RDR said…
Good waiting for the next episode

Is video episode available
Bisawaljitn ji said…
Swatha m said…
Very good