Dodo the king of Mauritius E-4

 Farewell letter for dodo's 

It was the last day for Oscar's. They packed their things they were sad, who can be happy when they know a species is going to be extinct. Oscar's planned to have breakfast and then leave. Dissatisfied with the dodo the British and Portuguese cut off half the trees in the beach. They wanted to bring something for their own country so they captured any new plant or animal species. Seeing this George and Oscar were sad but they left that place without saying anything, later than George thought,

" As the new life arises from the soil, equivalent death is given to the soil." 

The Oscar's Sat down to have breakfast, it was beef stew and bread. George didn't want to leave because he wanted to protect them. The raised the anchor and were ready to leave but George jumped out of the boat and left to see the dodo's. Emily and Oscar didn't do anything as he was going to see the dodo's for the last time. George reached click-click's nest took a note and stylus (pencil made of lead) and wrote a farewell note.

" Dear click-click,

We are about to leave to our country, you gave me an experience that I will not forget and another adventure which I have ever experienced. But the Mauritius is ruled by humans and it is not safe for your family to stay here please be safe and protect your young Dodo. The dodo will be the king of Mauritius." 

Then he left the letter inside click-click's nest and left. 

Now from a child's view he thought they dodo's will find the letter and will read it but we know it doesn't do things like that. 

The Oscar's sailed away and returned to their own country, British. George attended school and graduated from it and left for college he chose ornithology. He studies hard to obtain PhD, after the dodo's incident he wanted to save the bird species so he started to set up bird sanctuaries, as a normal person he got married at 25, then after 2-3 years he remembers the promise given to his parents, " until you are matured and responsible, you should not think about Mauritius After 18 years he decided to research about the dodo's, he received some information but not about the dodo's  about Mauritius, " There are more resources on the island which were first discovered by the British and Portuguese now they are being exported by every country in the world, they're planning to turn Mauritius into a living place for humans." 

Through his research he found nothing about the dodo's, George wanted to go to Mauritius, but he had a busy schedule and work was pouring inside. After 1666Ad, he now has a grandson and George aged 59. He is now caught in a family situation where he cannot be able to leave to Mauritius. He decided to forget but he was able to forget only half of it he started to believe he has a fulfilled life. 

In 1666, a news starts to become viral, "the species dodo has become extinct" this news was published world wide, as he was in the ornithology department, he received the information quickly, when he heard it his mind went blank, he showed reaction. He didn't know what to do. He went to sleep. Everyday in the morning, birds would be chirping in his room but that day they didn't because he was declared dead. It was like he choose his upcoming death early. 

After he died nothing is written here, his death was the ending part here. There are many species on earth, we are not the sole species to rule there are many. We cannot rule Antarctica because the species present there are ruling there. Every species has soul we must learn to respect it. This is a human and animal bonding story. The reason I am narrating this story is to make awareness. You the ornithology department students must save the species from extinction because you are the people who can do it. (The bell rang) OK students I'll see you in next class. Everyone was listening to the story with great silence. One student approached me and started asking me questions about the book which I used to tell the story I answered him " this Book's author is unknown but this is available in our college library". Then he asked me an final question 

"who are you" 

                         Story by 

                      Written by 
