Mafia of Mexico SO1 E-9

         Mafia of Mexico 

Mafia of Mexico story related  to gang war a thriller story   from spidey  and mr for age group 10 to 35

Micheal and Joseph are tied to a chair.

"Welcome Mexican spider, I am Patrick. The Mexican monster informed me you will come." replied Patrick.

Patrick is a 50 year old weak person. He was so weak that he couldn't wear his coat properly. He  had a childish voice as he spoke. Patrick ordered his men to untie both of them and led them in to their area. 

I heard that there is a bounty on both of you, how do you plan on escaping from that? Asked Patrick for that Joseph answers " in our way". Then Patrick leads them to a two-way mirror where they see 6 men equipping weapons. Joseph asked Patrick "Are they worthy? "

"we only select members who have families because if they make a mistake their families are going to suffer for them. Most of them here only want to look after their family as the pay is good. " 

The Micheal notices climate change he asked Patrick how much hours did they stayed unconscious Patrick replied 4 hours. Which means they still have ten hours left for the bounty to start ( it took ten hours to reach the border and they stayed 4hrs unconscious = 14 hours).

The eight members got inside a van and left for Mexico. 

Since the bounty is issued on Micheal and Joseph they too have to follow the rules of the bounty:
  • If the bounty is issued, a time period must be issued before the bounty starts. The minimum time is 1 hour and the maximum is 48 hours (2 days).
  • There are only two escape from the bounty, the person who made the contract can forfeit or he who made the contract must be killed. 
  • If the person who made the contract is killed,  he/she must provide evidence claiming the death of the issuer.
  • If the bounty is issued, the target alone must be killed and not the person who helped them.
  • All the services are suspended during the time of bounty. 
They both crossed the border but soon they realized they were being chased by a SUV. They started to ram the van and shoot at the van. Joseph told Michael "come over here, I'll drive. Take care of them" Micheal obeyed Joseph. Far away visible sight a group of mobsters started positioning barricades Joseph had no way to go ram it. Joseph drove through the barricades and the mobsters holding it. The van stopped working it broke down after few miles. Suddenly out of nowhere SUV appeared to take them down. 

they have to do something or they have to die there. Joseph orders the newly recruited mobsters stay in. " I want all of you to stay inside only two get out." they both took cover and started to fire. The shootout was never ending and Joseph was loosing. He has nothing in his sleeves but he cannot lose to them he starts to think what to do. 

Soon the conflict became silent Joseph leaned to look what happened there was this another SUV on top of their opponents. From the SUV a girl in her 25's came out " Finally I found you"

Micheal asked her with his gun raised " who are you!?" Joseph replied "her name is gewen ."

"And I'm Joseph's girlfriend" but Joseph quickly replied "NO you're not!" Micheal lowered his gun because things became normal. Everyone got inside her SUV.

" I knew you would go to Max when I heard there is a bounty on you when I reached Max you already left. So I kept searching for you but I never expected to find you on a highway." replied gewen, Joseph asked her "why you didn't killed us. The money is enough to cover all your debts"  she replied " Joesph why don't you ever understand my feelings." then there was silence among themselves. Gewen asked what are they going to do about the bounty Joseph replied he is going to kill Dennis. As they were speaking another two SUV came to kill them. The three of them knew they were outnumbered they have no choice but to escape. Gewen was great getaway driver she was zooming in the highway trying to escape from the "Following Murderers".

But what they didn't knew was they were being watched by a sniper. 

The sniper was on top of a mall witch was on the highway. Joseph didn't knew he and Micheal was being targeted until the sniper shot his first bullet it missed them but the bullet hit the engine and caused engine malfunction gewen didn't know what to do so they drove into the parking lot underground in the mall. The three of them ditched the car and ran into the mall. The chasers searched the mall thoroughly but they were not able to find them. Micheal, Joseph, gewen merged into the crowd to keep the chasers from finding them. Not knowing where to go they went inside a room it was the emergency exit. Three of them headed up the stairs only to find the sniper who was targeting them. Micheal took him out. Kelly found a metal ladder leading all the down to the entrance. When the reached the entrance the raced to the parking lot. Inside there was a massacre, Gewen's car was not in condition to use. 

But to their luck, the chasers SUV was waiting for them. Using that SUV, gewen took Joseph and Micheal to a safe house. Which was gewen's apartment. 

So what are we going to do? Gewen asked. Joseph said" we are going to kill him at night. So before we do that we have take all the weapons we got." 

" I may have some here let me check" a little but later she laid all the available weapons on the table. 
" which one will you take Micheal? "
Micheal took an assault rifle and Joseph took an SMG. It was evening when the started their operation. To merge with the dark night and to avoid being seen by the other mobsters they choose a black car. Which was the same SUV they drove before.

"Here we are, Dennis's estate, a place crawling with cobras" told Micheal. They know that they cannot enter it easily. So they climb and nearby water tower to get a good view of the estate. After a  careful observation Joseph turns to gewen and Micheal 

" Tonight we take down the cobra Empire" 

To be continued....... 


                                            Story by 

                                        Written by 
