Mafia of Mexico SO1 E- 4

         Mafia of Mexico 

Luther asks with a fearful shock and confusion. The policeman confirms what he said. Luther leaves the room immediately "take your time Luther, I'll be waiting" mocked Micheal. "I'll deal with you later" responded Luther and left the room Luther reaches the crime spot. He personally examines the crime scene then he went to the police van where Anderson is kept handcuffed. The girl's family was fighting with the police at one corner and the police are murmuring what happened. "Leave us I want to interrogate him personally". The police guarding the van leaves. Inside the van it was total silence. Anderson has his head hung down in guilt. Luther asked what happened.

"I slammed the door and went to have myself a donut. I sat near the window staring outside. To opposite me there was Joseph and his members speaking something. I knew his face from the files. I followed him. After a few distance he stopped by his car. I tried to get near to hear what they were speaking." we need to send 20,000 Kg of cocaine to another country". I was shocked and angered. Ieft from my hiding spot and took out my gun. I told them to raise his hands and kneel down. I should have been more patient and must have heard more. His members knelt down but he didn't " I SAID, KNEEL DOWN"  but he gave me a mild smile. Suddenly a truck smashed a car behind me I turned around to see what happened but Joseph used the opportunity to run his members to started to run I chased only Joseph. But I noticed a weird thing, he came in his car but he left his billion dollar car and ran. He ran into a crowded place. I shouted "STOP NOW (OR)  I'LL SHOOT YOU"  but anger blinded my eyes and I pulled the trigger.And it hit.............

I knelt down, I looked at the dead girl, Joseph came in front of me and gave me that crooked smile and vanished with the crowd. But..... I knew my gun wasn't loaded but when I pulled the trigger, It came out....."

Luther thinks something he returns to the room again and asks,"  how did it happen?tell me " Micheal now gives the same laugh he gave to Anderson But his smile showed something like I knew he will do that. " Anderson is a psycho, Mr. Luther, if he thought like you, the girl would never be dead." what as I thought. Why did Joseph need to run tell me!  Luther demanded answers. 

Before that can you take this handcuffs off me. Luther orders Engel to take his handcuffs off Micheal. Micheal with his hands free takes a great stretch and answers Luther's questions

 " what you thought is true, the gangsters were Joseph's members and this was all a setup. He was a bloody irritating stupid. Always getting on my nerves but I did that because he punched me in the nose. And with him around I cannot be freely." 

Luther asks " what do you mean by freely?"

"Do you think you caught me? Don't I know how to be not caught from the police. I voluntarily came and got arrested. And 90% of the policemen work for us." Answered Micheal  Luther thinks deeply" so one of his policeman should have loaded Anderson's pistol " he asks Micheal "yes one of us did load his gun."

Luther was instructed to interrogate Micheal. So which means someone working under Micheal must have posted me here. But he asks Micheal about this he laughs and answered Yes. 

To be continued.............. 


   Story by                                                     Spidey 


                                               Written by 

