Mafia of Mexico SO1 E-2

    Mafia of Mexico 

Anderson lost his anger but not his frustration "who is Joseph" he asked. Martin answered Joseph is a drug dealer and the head of mafia "Toxins" Anderson asked why that mafia was named toxins but Martin has the answer his great great great grandfather named toxins. Martin answered Anderson's question but he got carried away and started telling other things about Joseph. "Joseph was also known as Mexican spider by the Mexican people. He is beloved by the Mexican people" 

I don't know why but that might startled Anderson's curiosity because he asked why Joseph was beloved by Mexicans. 
Martin starts to tell why. 

" it is said that he intercepted a bank van carrying full of money at the bridge which goes through the city. He started to throw money from top of the bridge to the people below it looked like raining money. Soon after that he roamed in the streets of the city "Raining money" after that incident the Mexican people started to look Joseph as a Messiah- the person came to save them. 

Anderson amusingly cooled down his anger and frustration and now spoke to Micheal calmly. " leave that idiot. Tell me how did you became a part of toxins?"

Since he asked Micheal CALMLY  he decided to answer Anderson's question. 

" after killing my boss Joseph told he'll take care of him they'll make the case report look like his gang killed my boss. Since he told he'll take care of it I went to my house and tried to sleep. But there were something preventing me from sleeping. I murdered my boss so I'm jobless, I was still staying in a rented house without job how I'll pay rent. But inside his mind he was a quite disturbed because i murdered someone. But somehow I managed to keep that aside and slept. I woke when someone ringed the bell at the door. The house owner bangs the door like you. I opened the door but none were there only a small gift box at the step of my door. I took that inside and opened it. Inside it was a letter little amount of money and a bullet. I looked inside the letter it said take the bullet and head to this cafe and below was the address of the cafe. I didn't know what to do but I went there anyway. I sat a table kept the gift box at the table and looked at the menu. I noticed a specific waiter looked at me. After few minutes he came to me and took the gift box examined it then he told me to sit over the table which he pointed. I did as he instructed and then he gave me a tissue paper. I too thought it was a normal paper but it had something written on it.  " order something and eat for 5 mins" I received a gift box form an anonymous person and a waiter who instructed me to sit in a specific table and someone telling me to order and eat for specifically 5mins I don't know why but I still followed what that tissue said. When I just drunk coffee and man came from nowhere and sat opposite in my table and demanded that bullet. I gave him he took his gun and loaded his gun with only that bullet. Then he shot the cafe owner and gave the gun to me. 
Have this and come with me. In the midst of screaming and scurrying public we both walked out of the cafe and got inside a van. I told them " please you killed him why are you giving your gun to me please have it. " he didn't respond he drove to a big mansion. It was so big that 200 houses like mine can fit into the mansion. That man took me to the garden and made me to sit beside the table soon Joseph came. I was a tiny bit relieved that now I know who is the anonymous person who summoned me to his mansion. 

He introduced to the person with whom I came to his mansion it was his henchmen I asked why he summoned me. He told " since you murdered that man. I thought you can be a part of the mafia. So I want you to join the toxins

I don't know what reaction to give so I just stared at Joseph. He laughed at me and told me " I know what you thought last night. How it would be if you were a mafia member right?. Actually I thought about being a mafia member for a minute only but I thought. Now tell me what would you do if you were a mafia member.?" he looked at Anderson and asked the question. 

Anderson didn't thought like being in a mafia he always thought about ending mobsters. But he replied anyway" if I was a mobster I will be inside the mafia and crush them" 

Micheal said " you are like that but I am not" then Micheal started to continue the story. 

"I accepted the offer after considering that I don't have a job and no money. He told me " good. You will take an year for training you just need to stick around us and learn the things you will not have a gun until you learn the things around here. Then they both take a walk around the house. Joseph " when I saw you I thought of you as my brother. Didn't know why but it just felt like that. Then I found my belongings at the front door. I spoke with the house owner and settled the rent and took the liberty of taking the things from now you will stay with the mafia." 

"Now why you crooked stupids need an year for training" asked Anderson in an way in which he hurted Micheal's ego but for that Micheal gave a fitting reply " to deal with corrupted policemen like you" Anderson was caught for corruption many years ago and everyone in Mexico knows about it but since Now he bought that up Anderson again returned to rage and anger but this time his anger was blasting ahead of the roof. He threw the table and broke a leg of the table and grabbed Micheal by shirt Martin and Engel rushed to stop Anderson but someone outside the room shouted "stop".

To be continued......

                                                     Story by 

                                                     Written by 
